La adopción de amuletos como objetos protectores de las personas se pierde en la noche de los tiempos. Según las claves espirituales y los valores de cada cultura los artesanos escogen materiales a los que se les atribuyen poderes mágicos o curativos, formas y símbolos sagrados o bien artefactos que han sido objeto de rituales y que por lo tanto tienen el poder de convocar la protección de los dioses. Llevar encima un ágata protege en los viajes. La amatista hace aborrecer el alcohol. El ámbar atrae la buena suerte y protege contra los hechizos. El azabache te hace inmune a los hechizos y la magia negra, y es eficaz contra el dolor de cabeza y los tumores; muchos niños latinoamericanos llevan cuentas de azabache enhebrados en pulseras como protección contra el mal de ojo. El cuarzo, muy popular entre los aztecas, elimina la ansiedad. La punta cristalizada del cuarzo, es el armonizador universal de las energías corporales. El huayruro era usado por los incas como talismán, en forma de colgante, collar o brazalete; protege contra el mal de ojo y atrae la buena suerte. El jade propicia sueños adivinatorios; se usa como amuleto en Asia desde el año 4000 a.C. y fue utilizado como talismán por los egipcios y los aztecas; llevar un trozo de jade cuando se va a firmar una transacción importante es garantía de éxito. El lapislázuli da poder; ya era utilizado por babilonios y sumerios como amuleto, y los egipcios tallaban en esta piedra figurillas de escarabajos sagrados. El ónix da sabiduría y potencia.
La fe en el poder de los amuletos ha prevalecido durante siglos. En la tienda encontrará amuletos de la selva amazónica, de las cuencas de los grandes ríos americanos, de Etiopía y otros países de África.
La fe en el poder de los amuletos ha prevalecido durante siglos. En la tienda encontrará amuletos de la selva amazónica, de las cuencas de los grandes ríos americanos, de Etiopía y otros países de África.
Estos amuletos vienen de Perú y contienen trozos de pirita para atraer el dinero,semillas de huayruro que dan protección (el huayruro es un árbol de gran tamaño, extendido por todo América pero muy típico de la región amazónica), una pareja para tener suerte en el amor, algo de color amarillo para la abundancia, una herradura para la fortuna...
Amulets: protection available to everyone
The adoption of protective amulets and objects by people all over the world is lost with the mists of time. According to his spiritual and cultural values, each artisan chooses materials with magical or healing powers, forms and sacred symbols or artifacts that have been subjected to ritual and therefore have the power to summon protection of the gods. The agate protects people during his travels. The amethyst causes abhorrence of alcohol. The amber brings good luck and protect against spells. The jet makes you immune to spells and black magic, and is effective against headaches and tumours, many South-American children are protected with jet beads bracelets against evil eye. The quartz, very popular among the Aztec's, eliminates anxiety. The tip of the quartz crystal is the universal harmonizing the body's energies. The huayruro seeds were used by the Incas as a talisman, as a pendant, necklace or bracelet, protects against the evil eye and bring good luck. The jade is propitious to admonitory dreams, is used as an amulet in Asia since 4000 BC and was used as a talisman by the Egyptians and the Aztecs which used to take a piece of jade when going to sign an important transaction is a guarantee of success. Lapis lazuli is power, was used by Babylonians and Sumerians as an amulet, and the Egyptians used to carve stone figurines of the sacred beetles. Onyx gives wisdom and power.
The adoption of protective amulets and objects by people all over the world is lost with the mists of time. According to his spiritual and cultural values, each artisan chooses materials with magical or healing powers, forms and sacred symbols or artifacts that have been subjected to ritual and therefore have the power to summon protection of the gods. The agate protects people during his travels. The amethyst causes abhorrence of alcohol. The amber brings good luck and protect against spells. The jet makes you immune to spells and black magic, and is effective against headaches and tumours, many South-American children are protected with jet beads bracelets against evil eye. The quartz, very popular among the Aztec's, eliminates anxiety. The tip of the quartz crystal is the universal harmonizing the body's energies. The huayruro seeds were used by the Incas as a talisman, as a pendant, necklace or bracelet, protects against the evil eye and bring good luck. The jade is propitious to admonitory dreams, is used as an amulet in Asia since 4000 BC and was used as a talisman by the Egyptians and the Aztecs which used to take a piece of jade when going to sign an important transaction is a guarantee of success. Lapis lazuli is power, was used by Babylonians and Sumerians as an amulet, and the Egyptians used to carve stone figurines of the sacred beetles. Onyx gives wisdom and power.
Faith in the power of amulets has prevailed for centuries. In the shop you will find charms Amazon rain-forest basin of the great American rivers, Ethiopia and other African countries.
These amulets come from Peru and contain pieces of pyrite to attract money, huayruro seeds that give protection (The huayruro seeds come of a large tree, spread throughout America, but very typical of Amazonic region) a couple to get lucky in love, something yellow for wealth, a horseshoe for luck...
Tienda del Museo de Arte Precolombino
Barbier-Mueller de Barcelona,
Montcada, 12-14
08003 Barcelona
T:34 9326842
Montcada, 12-14
08003 Barcelona
T:34 9326842